
Showing posts from February, 2020

Graphic Design

So I've been graphic designing since I was 16 years old. And I LOVE IT is a understatement. I've come a long way since I first started at being a teen. I opened my own business called Loving My Heroes Designs and its been a bumpy road only because sells are down but it will get better. I just had a client ask me to do a mermaid themed design and I'm loving all of the items that I have made. I know a lot of people now also do graphic design but this is my year and I have faith I will get a lot of sales. I recently started to do watermarks, logos, and cover photos for photographers and I hope I become a big hit with that. For now I'll just leave all of my links in this blog for people to buy clothing from me. And if you want something custom made feel free to comment on this blog or find my fb group Loving My Heroes Designs. I just don't make clothing now I also do jewelry items. Item number 4 is the one I update the most but all of the others have items on it too m...

Let's talk sports

So one thing that has been hard on my son is getting to play sports. He is 9 year old and since he was out of preschool he hasn't gotten to join a sports team or do a sport UNTIL today. He wanted to play soccer but the funding is not always there. In Fayetteville Ar the school he went to does sports day camp every day after school and he loved it but he missed two days out of five due to his therapies. And i can say that he missed it due to us moving away. He also lost his friends. But now he has no friends. His new school well the coach lucky decided to do tennis camp and he asked to join and I said yes since it is every Wednesday. Today was day one and when I picked him up he was happy and he had a lot of fun. He even talked about how they did a craft doing the club. And how many pointed they all did. This is just the beginning of tennis club but he told me he loves tennis so I hope he keeps on saying that and growing to like tennis or any sport and being more active. He has a bu...

Mommy win

So I meant to post this yesterday, but i forgot and i also had a fussy daughter when I was going to write/post this. But have you ever had your child ask for something and at the time couldn't get it?  Well you could but because your child had her legs in casts you didn't buy it. Well on Sunday was the day I was finally able to buy an item that my daughter has been asking for and to see the big smile and how happy she is buying it now is worth it. The item I bought was a Minnie Mouse scooter. And well I couldn't wait to give it to her for her birthday. The weather has been so nice so on Monday we went out side and she rode it for a while. Lets just say it was hard to get her back inside once it was time for us to get ready to go to get her big brother.  Now the weather has rainy and we may get snow so we have been staying inside & she's getting tired of being inside all of the time. But she has been riding it in the house. People say that a clubfoot journey is not...

Job hunting

Why is job hunting so hard? You got to find a job that works around your busy schedule for your children. I'm going to admit its hard, we need the money to support us but I also don't want to be to stressed out to where i hurt my body. I wish this journey was easy but its not. I love my children dearly but sometimes its hard when you don't have me time. So i decided to work from home but thats hard to do when there are so many other photographers in my town. I just wish I could make the $ i need for my family plus car repairs. Here is to praying things get better. Thanks for reading my little rant and my frustration.

Bump in the road

So I don't even know where to go from here. I guess you can say I hit a Big bump in our journey. On Friday I got a call from the Orthopedic doctor that I give medical records for my daughter & sadly he can't treat her so now I'm back to looking for a doctor who will correct my daughter right and listen to me. I have so many worries about her feet and I just want her feet corrected and straight. I know we will get there soon. I am hoping to find a orthopedic doctor in Oklahoma or maybe Kansas. I just don't have the money to go to St Louis Mo to see Dr. Dobbs to fix her feet. I just don't have the money to pay out of pocket for his bill plus the gas and sleeping in a hotel. I wish he wasn't the only doctor who was really good at fixing a child's feet when they have club-foot. Or atleast other doctors would change their methods and see that not all children are the same. I guess lets wait and see what happens next. I hope I find a doctor here in Arkansas th...