So I know I haven't posted a Blog in awhile sorry about that things have just been crazy and I just don't know what to post about right now. So I'm just going to sit and talk about random stuff and title it random LOL. First thing when talking about is never ever ever take your card to Walmart to get an oil change I am like so frustrated right now because I took my van and November to get an oil change and will they touches my radiator cap which I did not know about and I drove my vehicle for a few days with it just placed on there instead of screwed down and I came home one day after taking my son to his therapy and my car steamed up real bad under find out my radiator is cracked and that's going to cost me $353 to get it fixed it keep in mind I don't have. I'm ready for things to be back to normal due to the covid-19 virus but I am worried about about an outbreak just like what happened in China and they're predicting in the fall that it could be ten times...