So I'm not perfect I'm far from it but I've been reading the our daily bread and today's lesson is talking about how you are different than the person next to you. And no I'm not talking about if he or she is a male or female. I'm talking about your personality along with your likes and dislikes plus talents. Could you imagine if we all were the same. That would be pretty boring. Peter wrote in the Bible that we all were wonderfully made uniquely by Jesus. He knew where our life would go before we did. I'm going to admit that I struggle with my faith. But who doesn't? I am wanting to change that. I'm also wanting to publish my book but that's going to take a lot of work and help from Jesus plus time. Remember that no matter what you don't have to be like your friend or some big famous person because you just like myself was wonderfully made to be different. I know I'm happy with who I am and I only want myself to be happy for me no one else beside my children. So be you for you and find yourself if you are copying what others do.

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