life is never easy

So this post is just going to be me writing whatever comes to my mind because well i'm so frustrated with a lot and im hoping i can give up some of this stress. So today i'm doing the last of my school work and as I was fixing to post on the discussion I noticed that sadly someone copied my work and I was sad over it i still am sad over it. i'm working so hard in my class because will i want to better myself for my children. One day I want to own my own house out in the country. Heck I also want to have a good photography business. And yes i would even like to have a book published or two. But im getting to far in my post. If you feel the need to copy someone elses work please make up your own ideas. I know school gets hard but that doesnt mean to copy someone elses ideas. My life is way different then yours. My ideas are my ideas. I am a creative person, I also experienced a lot in my 28 years of life. That doesn't mean to take my whole assignment to make yours. I have two amazing children who im trying to make my life better for them. I have a hubby to be who supports me in all that i do and I just feel at a loss because a classmate took my words and tried to use as hers. It was hard enough doing the discussion assignment because of what it asked.

This is the last week of this class I DON'T want no one to fail or get kicked out for copying someone else. I am a caring person and at first i didn't want to tell the school but i also felt used and i don't even know the lady. If you need help with school work call the school or ask a family member or friend to help you with what to put. No answer is the wrong answer. Write your own stuff I'm sure the teacher will still give you a grade instead of a zero.

Anyways this week for my discussion we had a overview topic of this "After being married for only a year, Brittany Maynard, 29, was told she had an aggressive brain cancer.  She had six months to live and she didn't want her husband and family to watch her dying in pain.  Brittany and her husband moved to Oregon to take advantage of the Death with Dignity law.  She believed that no one  has the right to take away the option from someone who is terminally ill.

Read Brittany's story and answer the prompts for this week’s discussion assignment.

Her Story Please read

And I really didn't know what to think just because I saw TWO amazing people die before my eyes that fought so hard to be with us. Well my grandma got sick to fast and i was praying she would come out of it. And my daddy's body put himself in a coma. But still they fought to stay around and ill cherish them always even when i miss them. I had a hard time thinking if someone should kill themselves because the only one who can kill us is Jesus. I don't think i would take my own life unless Jesus said its okay its your time to go. I want to go grow old and see my children have children and be a grandma. But I know thats all up to Jesus. And for now im going to live for the moments and grow as a person and continue to love my family and friends. Remember be true to yourself and ask for help it goes a long ways. Be You

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