casts and itching
So here is another update on my daughter she is doing all right she gets s bored a little bit is tired of sitting wishes she could walk but these casts are plaster cast and then ACE wrap on top of them. She has been having trouble with waking up in the middle of the night due to itching inside of the cast and I'm pretty sure it's because she's sweating in these casts I can't wait for these to come off May 26th. I am going to change the Ace wrap today plus the duct tape because the casts are broken pretty bad and I made change how I do the duct tape so that she doesn't sweat so bad inside of them and hopefully that helps some. We leave Fort Smith Arkansas well actually Bentonville Arkansas because there was no available flights to leave Fort Smith so we're going through Bentonville and landing in West Palm Beach Florida on May 25. On her doctor's appointment May 26th she gets to have new cast put on and they go below her knee and then we go back home May 27th and have these casts on for 2 weeks then we go back to the doctor for an appointment June 9th leaving Fort Smith June 8th. Once he removes these cast we head home for her to do two weeks of intensive physical therapy everyday Monday through Friday to help her learn how to rewalk. This has been really hard on her but we're getting her feet fixed I hope because I really do not want her to end up having her legs amputated because I learned that the thing that happened to some children who have club foot. That scare is still there even though I know he's doing everything he can to correct her feet and not have imputation happen. But I can tell you this mommy is so scared. I just don't understand how five doctors failed my daughter and two made her feet worse. I find out May 20th what this bundle of joy is that I'm currently pregnant with along with finding out if this baby also has club foot and I'm trying not to worry. My daughter is hoping this baby is a little girl and my son wants a boy so let's see what happens.