Baby steps but ONE proud mommy
So this hasn't been an easy journey which I am okay with because my daughter deserves to have the best possible care ever. She is in below the knee casts and her orthopedic surgeon said if she wants to walk and is able to to allow her. So far she has not started to walk with these cast she has walking boots that she wears with the cast she has taken a few baby steps but her poor legs and feet get tired. She receives speech therapy on top of physical therapy and they're at the same clinic so her PT came over and gave her hugs because everybody misses her at physical therapy and they looked at what they could of her legs and saw that she has no muscle tone or strength and that's why she is not walking. So I messaged her orthopedic surgeon to make sure that if she was not walking if that was okay and he said yes give it time and when she comes for her cast take off then go home just start PT so that's what I'm going to do I'm just going to enjoy what few days left we have of a slow pace before she's in physical therapy everyday for 2 to 3 weeks straight and then she goes from everyday to 3 days a week. I'm not worried about her not walking because I know she was going to have to relearn and I am proud of her for trying to she is one brave little girl and I'm so glad to be her mom. A club foot journey is hard and I am just amazed by how strong and happy and loving my daughter is even though she has gone through so much I know we are finally in the right spot. We are enjoying the moments and going from there. I can tell you that she is going to have some upper arm strength because this girl can push her wheelchair and I am proud of her!!