Boots and Bar and bad advice

Clubfoot has a lot of ups and downs. There is even people out here who have a child with clubfoot and like to give bad advice which in the long run can harm a child. If you ever have a person tell you to keep the braces on even when your child's foot is having marks show from the straps PLEASE don't listen to them. If you have a parent tell you to just tighten the straps of the boots and bar Please don't listen. If you have a parent tell you that they are a RN or CNA and they know what they are talking about PLEASE keep in mind they are not your doctors nurse and they don't know the do's and don'ts'. If your child is having problems with the boots and bar worthier its the shoes or bar Please go to your doc.

Yes there is fb groups for support but please note that some people like to give bad advice and think that something is the cure to fix. Please know that if your child's feet are not correct the boots and bar won't help in keeping your child's feet corrected. Please know that the boots and bar are normally given when the child's feet are corrected. I am going to admit that some doctors give the boots and bar to a child even before the feet are fully corrected. If you worry that your doctor is not correcting your child's feet correct you have that right to change the doctor. Please don't allow the doctor to just keep on messing up on your child's feet. If your doctor tell you to stop bracing with the boots and bar and you ask for advice in a clubfoot group to make sure your doc is doing the right thing and a member in the group tells you to not listen to your doc and keep on bracing PLEASE don't do what that member says. A orthopedic surgeon is a higher degree then any nurse.

There are follow clubfoot parents who think they know it all. Heck I give my input but thats because my daughter and I have been through hell on getting her feet corrected. I want to give what I learned to others in hope it helps but I don't say hey I'm a medical assistant you better do this. Like i have seen some so called nurses do who have a child with clubfoot. Clubfoot is not a prefect journey there is some very ugly and hard times when it comes to having club feet or club foot corrected. Every clubfoot case is not the same people need to keep that in mind. I do every day. I do have to say that doctors(orthopedic surgeons) do advise parents to let the heal drop naturally over time instead of forcing healing down. If you force the heal down you could end up causing your child to have a flat talus. I do have to say now if you are a nurse you should atleast know or understand that not every patient is the same and there are different type of cases for clubfoot.

 So I'm going to leave you with this if you worry something is wrong with your child's foot please ask your doc and go with your mom intuition. Also remember that you are your child's advocate and they need you the most to make sure they are in the right care. One last thing before I submit this to my blog I want to say that its not possible to always know what causes a child to relapse it can be from the doctor not know what he is doing. Or it can be caused from various genetic issues. You just got to know you and your child got this and down the road you will kick clubfoot in the butt.

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